Tuesday, 3 February 2009


从来都沒有像这个學期这样, 一开學, 整个人都慌了.
刚刚拿了carriage of goods by sea 的module handbook, 就觉得很烦: 以为
1 个要在大庭广众表演的presentation +
1 个2500 个字的assignment +
1 个2 个小时的考试.

心想 栽了, 我 2:1 的美梦就要粉碎了.

晚上再细读 module 的requirement, 确定了 我2:1 的美梦已经碎了一边. 因为:
我要作两个presentation, 同时 present 完后, 还要被同僚发问问题.


如果只读这一课, 我当然沒问题.
但是我还是其他课已经把一个2500 字和5000 字的assignment 压在我身上.还有两个 考试在大學终点等着我...........

所以这个sem 我一共要作两个2500 和一个5000 字的巨文+ 3 exam + 2 presentation.
想到这一点, 我觉得自己开始有点癫了.

想想, 不如拿个 写5000 文的module ? 这样就少了一个考试和2 个presentation, 生活快乐很多.

但是今早我的梦又碎了一下. 我心想的medical law 因为full house + waiting list 里还有从第一學期开學等到现在的3 位可爱同學.........

朋友们, 我们六月再见!


Anonymous said...

steady lah, just try to make a wise choice.. you'll be fine de..

Yeane said...

i know i should be alright if i can totally give up my entertainment, but haiz........... i hv enjoyed the relaxing life all these years, it kinds of hard to be a hardworking student now.

and now, i start finding that, year 3 is not an ec life, hahah

Anonymous said...

yeah i noe, not ec to give up all entertainment, but i think i hv to do tht also if not... sure die.. lol
aiya, of cos 3rd yr is not an ec life lah, if not wont be called 3rd yr loh lol.. plus, it's de last chance dey can try to "lok" more $$$ from students, so hv to make it harder hahaha. at least tht's my theory ^^"...