Monday, 21 June 2010

What is LOMO ..0.0..

我最近才发现, 原来很多人的骨子里hide 着很深的藝术情结.
最近, 可能是按奈不住很不安的癮子, 爆发出来了呢.

结果, 除了我熟悉的dc, 爆红的有 dsl 啦 (走在kl 的街上, 很容易就看到几个人把它吊在胸前. 我都很想问他们, 不重的咩? 撇除这个重量级的问题, 它拍出来的效果是挺一流的... 可是shopping mall 里, 你要这样高流的照片咩! 得空去逛, 给的是3D效果咧!)

之前在朋友的房里看过polaroid - 一"搞"黑色的东西.
看过很多遍, 始终沒有问她是什么....
最后我在网上的promotion, 终于知道它是即影即印的相机.
很像以前电视剧里, 男女主角到一家高级的餐馆用餐, 然后有服务生给他们来张照片.
可是, 这个玩意的"底片" 很贵咧.... 想想也不太实际. 所以就想想.

最近的最近, 一直听到和看到lomo这个字眼.

到现在的我还沒把玩过这个玩意,但总结我在网上看到的资料,我很想说:"mai o, 这个不是我爸15,20年前的胶卷相机咩".
何解在dc大行其道时,又重拾并热爱 它....




Gin@m.Bo0tH$ said...

lol yuan lai u so outdated de kah...
Polaroid and lomography cameras never really died out but recently have become more popular again. no camera skills no problem, as long as u got a good camera tht's enough lol..

Yeane said...

haha, coz i m not so into photography b4 mah...

i know there is such thing like polaroid but i don know its look improves a lot after these year.

abt tht lomo.... i m quite curious but very disappointed when i knew tht it is something like our old camera...

Gin@m.Bo0tH$ said...

some of my parents wedding pics r taken with polaroids lol

now retro is popular bah, everything like fashion n design r all returnin back to the old styles.. ppl used to hate the lomo effect, cos it has imperfections, tht's y we get digital cameras 4 all de nice n clear pics, but now it's de imperfections tht make it special, which is y so many ppl like it again lol....

conclusion, we are nvr satisfied with the current, always want something different lmao